Oh K!
Saturday I'm going to the New York Comic Con dressed as K from the anime/manga Gravitation. Since I love lists so much, I'll make a list of reasons why I decided to do this:
1)I am geeky like that
2)It's appropriate for the cold weather
3)I wanted to be able to wear the costume on the train
4)I could make it out of stuff from my closet
5)I can wear glasses (prescription sunglasses, yo - that's me wearing them at the top of the page)
K is a great character. I'd make another list about that but this fansite's got it covered. Unfortunately, I can't act completely in character, because there's no way I can bring in fake guns and cause mass destruction in Manhattan (which actually happens in the manga). But I suppose since I am going with musicians (K is a band manager) I can do my best by pretending to shoot them.