Hello dear readers! This is my first post from overseas! I am currently in Paris and over the next two weeks will also go to Brussels and Amsterdam (making it back home the day
after ProRunS3, of course). To make up for last week when I forgot and next week when I won't have computer access, I have three mp3s for you to enjoy.

The first song is "Paris In The Rain" by Alcazar. Despite the song title, it's actually not raining here now. Interestingly enough, the first time I heard Alcazar was on the first time I went to Europe (when I went to London in 2002).
Alcazar - "Paris In The Rain"
The second song is "Kiss From A Rose" by Angela Aki. This is a Japanese cover of the song by Seal, who is married to Heidi Klum, who is the host of that show that I will be missing while away. Angela also sings the theme song for the video game Final Fantasy XII, "Kiss Me Good-Bye".
Angela Aki - "Kiss From A Rose"
The third song is "Na seniku" by Atomik Harmonik. They are a Slovenian band that came 3rd in the Slovenian Eurovision preselection, and they perform polka-style music. I have no special vacation-related reason for selecting this song; everyone could use a little polka now and then.
Atomik Harmonik - "Na seniku"