(Partial) Concert Review - Teapacks -10/21/07

Not enough artists who have performed in Eurovision cross over to this side of the Atlantic, and the ones who do perform near me happen to do so when I am unavailable (other plans, hard-to-get-to, or in Lordi's case this coming week, sold out before I found out). This past Sunday, however, I got to feel closer to my European blogger brothers and sisters and see in the flesh for the first time a Eurovision performer who is not Celine Dion. And it was...Teapacks? Yeah, I know I gave "Push The Button" the lowest rating possible, but I had hoped that they would be better live in a smaller venue than they came across on TV, and also I felt that seeing a Eurovision failure over here would be a much rarer occurance than seeing a Eurovision success.

You know what? It wasn't that bad. Despite what I said about the "Push The Button" seeming to go on and on, most of the songs I heard didn't get boring. The crowd was energetic (also quite young - many groups of teens) and so was the band. Unfortunately I didn't get to hear "Push The Button" because it was towards the end of the set and I had to leave early, but I did get to hear "Salam Salami" which was my favorite (meaning least boring) song in the Israeli preselection. Also, at one point I got right up to the stage, which was nice.

It was enjoyable while I was there although next time I see a artist stateside who is a Eurovision flop it is someone I like better. Of course, a success would be nice too (I'm still a little bitter that I missed getting to see Lordi, but I'm hoping against all odds that eventually we will get Marija Serifovic over here too).