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Monday, June 04, 2007

Mp3 Monday: Beautiful Life?

I got a job last week, and while I could have worse jobs, the fact is that most work sucks, especially when you have to get up early for it. But, that's nothing a little classic early 90's pop can't fix (or at least cover up), right? Here's "Beautiful Life" to make you forget that you still have the rest of the work week ahead of you.

Download Ace of Base - "Beautiful Life"


Blogger Schlagerboys said...

Ace of Base have some fabulous moments - one of which was "Beautiful Life".

"The Sign" was the best Ace of Base song though...

Isn't it about time they were a wildcard in Melodifestivalen... Come on, Mr Bjorkman, do something about it!!!

6/08/2007 4:59 PM  

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