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Sunday, April 17, 2011

What about my Sognu?

Finally in the top half of the ranking! These songs just missed out on being in the top and getting close to the 4/5 or 5/5 rating, but they're all still very good.

20. Austria
Nadine Beiler- “The Secret Is Love”
Reaction: This song weakest part is the a capella opening, like some girl singing to herself wandered onto the stage. Once the instruments start this is a very sweet ballad, and the choir in the last part of the song gives it some power. It sounds a little “singing-competition-winner,” but so did the UK’s song in 2009 and that worked out well for her.
Best Part: Last chorus
Rating: 3/5

19. Iceland
Sjonni's Friends- “Coming Home”
Reaction: This song has a bright and cheery old-fashioned sound that is made depressing with the lyrics and backstory. Maybe it intends to make the listener both clap along and cry. The heavy and mixed emotions might not work for all but it works for me.
Best Part: Bridge and last chorus
Rating: 3/5

18. France
Amaury Vassili - “Sognu”
Reaction: This is a little bit of a risky move since lots of people think this is a winner, and it might very well be, as it pushes the buttons of several demographics. Amaury has a nice operatic voice and the song increases in tension as it goes along. The last note can make hairs stand on end. If it had more of a conventional structure with a memorable melody I might have put it a lot higher, though.
Best Part: The part 1:07 to 1:41
Rating: 3/5

17. Azerbaijan
Ell and Nikki - “Running Scared”
Reaction: This one is another favorite that isn’t at the top of my list. It’s a well produced contemporary pop ballad, and out of all the songs in this year’s contest it sounds like the one most at home on the pop charts. It drags on a little and comes across as cold and unfeeling; “Drip Drop” was similarly well produced but pulled it off a lot better.
Best Part: “Oh-oh-oh” intro
Rating: 3/5

16. Croatia
Daria Kinzer - “Celebrate”
Reaction: This is the cutoff point for songs I really like/love this year. This is just a very fun party song about parties. Very joyous and fun. The lyrics are a little unusual (“shine like a comet/in our musical galaxy”) but are cute so they work.
Best Part: “Put your/Hands up”
Rating: 3/5


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