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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hey! A boob on basic cable!

Apparently on WWE Raw last night there was a sex scene between Edge and Lita. I don't have a problem with that, seeing most soap operas have them, and it'd only be time until there was one on WWE, but the big commotion is that the camera got a sight of Lita's boob for a couple of seconds.

Now, I haven't watched WWE in years, but I like Edge because he is not that bad looking and has long blonde hair *sigh*. And I like Lita because you're supposed to like the girl with the dyed red hair and the big tattoo. I even have a shirt that she autographed. So I like both of them, but Lita should have kept her shirt on; it's basic cable.

I didn't even watch this because the WWE is no longer my soap opera of choice (it's Passions now, although more about that later).


Blogger Holly said...

Ah... Passions.

Anyway, I was never allowed to watch WWE when I was little. My dad actually yelled at me once when I turned it on because my friends watched it and I wanted to see what it was all about.

1/10/2006 8:56 PM  
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2/07/2012 2:26 PM  

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