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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Still Frozen in March

Somehow we still haven't made it. This was last weekend of Eurovision selection shows, but there's still a few more days until the deadline so halfway through March we still don't know all the songs. The remaining songs are all internally chosen so I'll only touch on them when it's time in the rankings.
Belgium had the final national final of the season. “Nothing is impossible” by Eva Jacobs is a pleasant, positive pop song that would have fit in with the other selected songs.

Greece had the first final of the week on Tuesday. “Kanenas Den Me Stamata” by Kostas Martakis would have been a great Eurovision entry for Greece if it was chosen. Greek-influenced rock with a good looking guy? There's lots of guaranteed points there.

Germany had a long and complicated final with performers playing multiple songs in different rounds. “Wir werden Niemals Untergehen” by Santiano had the complete package. Not only does it sound like a pirate shanty, but it was performed on a pirate ship on stage. Who needs choreography when you have this?

Moldova had a final after non-televised semifinals. “Frozen” by Lucia S is certainly an appropriate title given the weather on this part of the world, but might not fly come May.

Norway had a single final this week after three semifinals last weekend. Linnea Dale's “High Hopes” was a cool electro pop song that could have repeated last year's song in effect, but maybe not in score.

Second place in Portugal's five-song final went to “Mea Culpa” by Catarina Pereira. A big fan favorite, it has Babic written all over it, and sounds like his other songs, but I don't care.

By next Sunday, this year's Eurovision lineup will be complete and I will begin my annual ranking series!


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